Monday, July 01, 2013

Miracle - Struggle - Blessing "The Life of a Missionary"

well this week has flown by fast!... ... CONGRATULATIONS TO MY BROTHER AUSTIN, he will be heading to the Chile MTC on October 23, 2013... He is going to Chile Santiago North, spanish speaking.... HAHA my family is all going to be spanish pretty soon :) And 3 Missionaries serving at once!
Enjoying a popsicle on a HOT day & reading my Spanish Scriptures
Well here in HR O the weather is so interesting....... it was pouring rain just last week! and now it is so hot, its in the 100! One exciting and sad thing is because of the pouring rain, the Cherries that grow here and EVERYONE works/owns are now not doing good, they cant be picked/sold since they split and arent perfect... therefore our prayers were answered!!! now we can get people to church since they dont have to work! haha funny answer.:) 
People are so kind here in Hood River Oregon to give us free fruit (cherries, blue berries, apples & pears)
Well this week was spent finding and teaching new people. no new people that are steady yet. we did have a lesson with new recent convert! he received a blessing!!!! He has so much faith, he knows Heavenly Father will help him in anything he needs now, just as long as he puts him first in ALL things. i love seeing the change and growth in C, he really is a miracle! 

 haha well the life of a missionary is rough, i woke up one morning to say my prayer and i feel back asleep, BAHAHA kneeling on the ground! oops! this week was a struggle and a blessing... I just kept thinking of how imperfect i am... all the time people expect me to have perfect spanish, know exactly how and what to teach, expect that i know what i am doing all the time... but i am totally human! i make mistakes, and i grow and learn from those mistakes. no one is perfect, we all know that we are not perfect, so dont expect anyone else to be. one thing I have grown a HUGE love for is studying.... i used to hate studying, but now i love it. haha crazy for me to say that right? but really, i do :)
SCRIPTURE POWER (me & my comp)
short email, but this week we will work our hardest!!! July 10th is the next transfer, so ill let you all know what will happen :) have a good week. Keep working all around the world! 
2 Nephi 31:21 One important thing i am starting to learn this week  is dont be scared to share the gospel with everyone.. that can be done in SO many different ways!!! there is only one gospel and one way to return to live with heavenly father again, and we ALL want to end up with him and with our families :) share this gospel, most people dont know what it is!!!

Hood River Oregon
Adios, cuidase!
 Kelsey Jaeger

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